Experience the Transformative Power of Rolfing®

Imagine moving through your day with newfound ease. Aches and stiffness become a distant memory, replaced by a sense of freedom and fluidity in your body. This isn't just a dream – it's the reality Rolfing® Bodywork at Open Potential Bodywork can create. By addressing the language of your fascia and connective tissues, we go beyond simply chasing pain. We focus on creating lasting alignment in your body's structure, allowing for effortless movement. As everything comes into harmony, aches and pains naturally melt away. With each session, you'll not only feel the difference, but you'll also establish new patterns for healthy movement, setting yourself up for a future filled with freedom and well-being. At Open Potential Bodywork, we help you speak the language of your body, unlocking its full potential and restoring a sense of ease and freedom in your movement.


It’s time to create new patterns for healthy movement


Unlock your body’s full potential and enjoy the benefits of

  • Moving more freely

  • Better alignment

  • Eliminating aches and pains

  • Creating balance and connection through your entire body

  • Learning more about your habitual patterns of moving that may be causing you pain

  • Fostering a new relationship with your body

  • Feeling empowered to make changes and enjoy freedom of movement

I am a skeptic by nature, and a chronic pain sufferer by misfortune. I was absolutely surprised by how Rolfing® changed the way I feel, walk, hike, sleep and sit!
— Damir

Rolfing® Structural Integration

A transformative bodywork that doesn’t chase pain. 

By focusing on reorganizing the fascial network of the body; aches and pains begin to fade away!


Initial Consultation

All new to Rolfing clients start here. Enjoy an experience with the Rolfing® modality, and gain an understanding of the unique bodywork to know if it’s right for your body goals! 60 and 90 minute options available


The Recipe of Rolfing®: The 10 Series

A total revamp of the body! 10 sessions, each with specific goals for the body, like “freeing the breath,” “opening the core,” and “creating front and back balance.” These concepts seek to rebalance the blocks of the body (feet, hips, ribcage, neck, head) allowing you to move with ease throughout your daily life.

The 10 Series is a great option for those wishing to “turn back the sands of time,” 90% of clients over 50 years old choose the 10 Series journey!

For those who have recurring injuries, feel like aches and pains are starting to pile up in the body- it’s time to unwind the fascia and experience the relief, freedom and connectedness that comes with The 10 Series! 


Single Maintenance Sessions

Keep it working for you! Many clients book monthly maintenance sessions to help stay aligned and continue feel good in their body!

My body is like night and day. The pains that have followed me around for 10 plus years are practically gone! I’ve had steroid injections, chiropractic work, physical therapy, at home stretching, and nothing worked until now. I am a forever client.
— Jazmin

Conveniently located in Cleveland Heights